Our music is featured on Apple TV+ "Echo 3", FX channel (HULU) "Snowfall",
and Disney+ "Rennervations"
“Echo 3” is based on the award-winning series “When Heroes Fly,” created by Omri Givon and inspired by the eponymous novel by Amir Gutfreund. Set in South America, the action-packed thriller follows Amber Chesborough, a brilliant young scientist who is the emotional heart of a small American family. When Amber goes missing along the Colombia-Venezuela border her brother, Bambi, and her husband, Prince — two men with deep military experience and complicated pasts — struggle to find her in a layered personal drama, set against the explosive backdrop of a secret war.
Snowfall is a one-hour drama set against the infancy of the crack cocaine epidemic and its ultimate radical impact on the culture as we know it.
Jeremy Renner teams up with expert builders to acquire large, decommissioned government vehicles and reimagine them as “mind-blowing creations” that serve kids in communities worldwide.
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INDART MUSIC is kicking off 2023 with impressive momentum, setting the tone for a successful year ahead. It’s exciting to see the potential unfold as they continue to make waves in the industry! Boost your music's popularity by using SoundCloud promotion services: https://artistpush.me/collections/soundcloud-promotion